Friday, 26 February 2010

SPP: Final Four Jobs #1_Adtrak :)

Adtrak are a Design Company in the centre of town, and provide web design, graphic design, telecom and SEO services to a wide range of companies. This job is for a Junior Web Designer, with skills in XHTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, W3 Standards and Excellent written and verbal communication.

I applied by sending my CV and a list of links to my better website creations. They liked what they saw and I got an Interview on Thursday the 18th Feb. This was successful and I am now employed!

I will be working in the SEO/Online Marketing Department beginning in late March :)

Advice to Friends: They had looked through my code with a fine toothcomb, make sure the links you send to companies have well structured and organised code.