iNtErAcTiVe MeDiA

I found this through facebook. it is a interative flat owned by the caveman. You are able to venture around his crib and read emails on his laptop, play music on his ipod, read his magazines etc etc.

I really enjoy this site. The graphics are of a high quality, its easy to use and extremely well thought out.
It gives the chance to be a proper nosey parker, while you nose about the caveman is still in the flat, and occassionally you bump into him and occasionally tells you off which I quite like. , there is a real sense of humour in the entire set up, especially with his personal blog. i can't critisise it.


This is a very visual piece. the funtionality is easy to understand however the site is not as interactive as the Caveman's Crib is slightly limited as you can only fastforward and rewind the visual. the site does not incorporate the classical imagery of The Wizard of Oz, which for me, made me intrigued

this is a graphic designer's website designed to basically show his technical capabilities. i especially like the inhaler that the viewer must pump up to reveal the links to other interative pages.
he also has a number of games on his sight which stimuate the viewer, they are all just for fun with no aim, but still work well


Narrative One Shot

i found it quite difficult to come up with a good idea for this project. My group hit on the idea of using a spiral staircase as the setting, but thinking of a narrative for that setting without it being cheesy was difficult.

The videos on the single-shot website explored some very individual and experimental ideas. I especially like the Glass Gun by Julie Hill. The way the viewer has to wait for a while until anything happpens is very nice. It is remonisant of a painting at the beginning, adnd the slow motion adds an almost romantic feel.

i have tried to incorporate the same idea in the way i have edited my one shot film. Although it doesn't give it a romantic mood, more sinister i feel. this is the reason why i have chosen the audio i have. i think t compliments the visual. And although i tried hard to go against what the rest of my group have done in fear of copying, making this into a happy peice didn't quite work.


hasn't got anthing to do with anything, but i like it :D


gLoW sTiCkS

This was just an experiment that I have been wanting to try out for some time but just haven't got round to, mainly because I didn't have a tripod. I have only used 8 glowstick bands in all of these pictures, but using a long exposure time I was able to mess about and make it look like there are more.



The idea for these photographs came from reading the book 'The Language of New Media'. I was interested by the opening quote by Manvich commenting on how technology is embraced by the western world.

"A western artist sees the Internet as a perfect tool to break down all heirarchies and bring art to the people. in contrast...i cannot but see how the internet as a communal apartment of the Stalin era: no privacy, everybody spies on everybody else, always present are the lines for common areas such as the toilet or kitchen"

This got me thinking about how many devices are around the home, and also about the environmental debate that is in the public mind recently.


This book gives a good advice for the beginner on how to create a successful storyboard and the argues the importance of the storyboard as a visual tool in the planning process. John Hart gives reference the many greats in both animation and film and uses them and their work as examples to back-up his argument.
I found this book extremely useful for research purposes, but not so much for the hints and tips on drawing. However, some of the points he made were very creditable.