e4 competition
short film (3mins)
deadline: 15th feb 10am


cash back_sean ellis

This award winning short film by english film maker Sean Ellis, gives a insight into the mind of Ben (an art student) working a night-shift at Sainsbury's.
I really admire the way this film has been shot. The use of colour and editing really works well alongside the subject matter.

Sean Ellis is also a photographer his website: www.seanellis.co.uk
other films include: 'The Broken' and 'Left Turn'


LiFe dRaWiNg!!

I went to a life drawing session on the 15th of January in Waverley (it free!!) and these are examples of my better outcomes. I used charcoal as i like the freedom and looseness of the marks. Its also a very quick medium to work with which enables you work fast. While i was studying for my foundation year, we had 3 hours of compulsory life drawing a week, but i haven't been for a while. i have grown to quite enjoy it and it has definitely helped my drawing on a general level.