I have performed reseacrh into what suitable domain names are available for Wild Clothing.
www.wildclothing.com purchase through domain brokers, auction bids.
www.wildclothing.co.uk free
wilder.comwildvintage.com Only a titlewild.com backorder
wildandwilder.co.uk available
wildandwilder.com available
www.vintageclothingnottingham.co.uk and.com available
Client: Domain Names
SPP: Final Four Jobs #1_Adtrak :)
Adtrak are a Design Company in the centre of town, and provide web design, graphic design, telecom and SEO services to a wide range of companies. This job is for a Junior Web Designer, with skills in XHTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, W3 Standards and Excellent written and verbal communication.
I applied by sending my CV and a list of links to my better website creations. They liked what they saw and I got an Interview on Thursday the 18th Feb. This was successful and I am now employed!
I will be working in the SEO/Online Marketing Department beginning in late March :)
Advice to Friends: They had looked through my code with a fine toothcomb, make sure the links you send to companies have well structured and organised code.
SPP: Final Four Jobs #2_George.com
The main reason for choosing this job at George.com is a fickle one. George@ASDA is a big, well known company, with a good reputation. There would be a lot of room for broadening and developing my skills and working for a well-known company could benefit me further with future job hunting.
The job is located in Lutterworth, Leicester. So I would have to do a fair bit of travelling unlike Adtrak, which is quite a big negative for me. However the required skills needed match mine and so I applied more out of curiosity than anything.
The application process was a little odd. It consists of a generic form, with no room for uploading a CV, portfolio work, or covering letter type details. So it seems that successful applicants are chosen by pot luck. Anyhoo we shall see...
SPP: Final Four Jobs #3_DJM Media
DJM Media Solutions are a design agency located in Central Londres. Their website gives the impression of quality and talented graphic designers with an impressive range of clients and work. However the website doesn't support Firefox or Chrome which is a little strange.
The job title is Multimedia Designer. This entails Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, Actionscript, HTML, CSS, awareness of W3C accessibility and user centred design. However it does seem quite broad as it mentions creating video and exhibition solutions, which sounds very appealing.
The main reason of not applying for this job is that unlike my 1st and 2nd choices, I would have to relocate and although living in london would be great, it is impractical given my current living arrangements.
Their website is very impressive and a great example of quality execution. Quite amusing giving the fact we were considering using the same theme of the london underground for out exhibition.
SPP: Final Four Jobs #4_ Easywebrecruit.com
This job doesn't specify who the job is for as it is advertised through an agency. It is also located in Northampton which would mean getting a car. However, The job itself sounds very suited to myself. It is a Developer/Designer role where I would be able to design as well as utilise my PHP/MySQL skills. They would prefer knowledge of asp/asp.net though which i do not have.
These are the reasons for this job being my 4th choice. I feel I am suitable for all four jobs and they would all suit me but as I have described, the main decider is the location at present and during my job hunt, I have found very few jobs that are nearby.
As I have no idea of who the company is I have no way of researching further into their portfolio of work or the company itself.
PRP: Artefact#2_Help the Pig
Here are screen shots of my pig website, created for my second artefact.
The homepage gives the user(left to right): instructions and input form, pig animation, and the jokes and comments submitted in the last 24 hours.
The animation changes according to number of posts in the past 24hours to portray the health of the pig. He goes from being happy and healthy and rolling in mud, to being cooked on the spit roast. Its health status is also reflected by the bars above.
Similar to Facebook, comments and jokes can be ‘liked’.
The About Page explains more about the functionality of the site and also its purpose. Users can contact be through the ‘Contact Jacqui’ form.
Jokes and feedback can also be submitted on the left hand side on all 4 pages.
The Joke and Comments pages display all the jokes or comments submitted since the beginning of the project.Both types of submissions can be ‘liked’ here.
The website has now had a make over...
Help the Pig!
SPP: London College_Internet Technology
Internet Technology PgCert/PgDip/MDip London College Uck
Course type Full time
Start This course last started in Jan-10, Apr-10, Oct-10 . Please contact the college to enquire about new start dates.
Duration 6-12 months
Course Description
This course has been designed as a conversion course and will be suitable for science and computing graduates who wish to develop a career in internet technology. This course will give students thorough understanding of the complex concepts behind the Internet, with a focus on practical skills. Students will gain a functional knowledge of web design, in addition to expertise in relevant computer languages e.g. Java & SQL. The course also provides the practical skills for system analysis, development and implementation. Students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the principles and concepts they have learned in the taught modules through practical assignments.
SPP: Worcester Uni_Creative Digital Media
Creative Digital Media MA/MSc
Starts September 2010
The Creative Digital Media Masters is aimed at practitioners in the digital arts who wish to extend their development of creative ideas within their subject to an advanced level. Building on the successful model offered in the digital arts undergraduate programme, the course is characterised by its diversity and the opportunity offered for interdisciplinary investigation. The modules are designed to encourage innovative practice within the student’s discipline and participants will also be encouraged to work collaboratively.
In the Independent Study module, students will pursue an in-depth exploration of the critical, theoretical, creative and practical aspects of their specialist field. In addition, there will be the opportunity to acquire knowledge of entrepreneurial and business skills applied to their practice.
The course is housed in the new state of the art Digital Arts Centre at the University of Worcester. Students on the MA are able to draw on a central bank of digital multi-media facilities such as computers (both Macs and PCs) running industry standard digital media software and smaller lab spaces for Digital Media experimentation, research, production and development work. There is also a 48 track digital recording studio, a digital video production studio (with full lighting rig and blue screen technology), Multi-camera studio system, Avid digital video editing facilities and web servers. These facilities are available for you to produce innovative work using industry standard equipment.
Key features and benefits
- Creativity and innovation applied to the real world
- Digital media convergence
- Commercial applications for innovative digital media
- Effective design and communication strategies
- Entrepreneurship
- Digital film production
- Research and development techniques in Digital Media
- Managing the creative and technical balance
- Effective design techniques and strategies
- Effective research, analysis, interpretation and evaluation of digital media
- Interdisciplinary team working and project management
- Experimental digital media production and interaction
- Industrial links
SPP: NTU Post-Grad course x2
MA Interaction Design
Course fees: £4,440 per year of studyAbout this courseThis degree provides students with an opportunity to push the boundaries of contemporary digital practice through the exploration of interaction between people, objects and environments using existing technologies, new developments and practices.
This will provide exciting opportunities to combine live and digitally created media. The taught elements of the course encompass new media developments and human interfaces, information spaces and interaction as an art form. Students will be given opportunities to develop content and unique audience experiences using the full capabilities of new technologies in truly interdisciplinary ways.
We offer a great variety of MA titles, but best of all we give you the opportunity to work in a truly transdisciplinary environment. NTU gives MA students their own designated space, where you can meet students from different subject areas and obtain information and support from an MA coordinator and administrator. This makes it easy for you to work with your fellow students, learning the skills of collaborative and inter-cultural sensitivity.
Course content
- You will develop, demonstrate and apply autonomous skills in research, analysis and practice through a structured programme which integrates scholarly and creative perspectives and processes.
- Complete a new body of appropriately contextualised work that will display comprehensive knowledge and understanding of interaction design.
- Practical and managerial expertise in project management and advanced research will be explored in the context of global cultural and creative industries.
You will complete the work proposed in your Learning Agreement; this is most likely to be a significant new body of practice accompanied by documentation of your research and a reflective journal. You may have chosen to write a dissertation and, if so, the length will have been formally agreed previously. In every case you will present your work appropriately, to an audience, in a professional, effective manner.
Importantly, you will be in an enabling environment and context that embraces, questions and explores the diverse fields contained with in interaction design. In particular, this course seeks to extend understanding of the ways in which practice works to incorporate cultural and technological developments
Assessment is carried out via coursework at the end of each phase, culminating in an exposition of student work towards the end of the course.
How do you study?
Lectures and seminars are delivered by NTU tutors and enhanced by the visiting lecture programme, which assists students in making professional contacts.
Students will receive individual and group tutorials, and be given opportunities to undertake interdisciplinary work as well as regular peer-review presentations.
Students will benefit greatly from the expertise of our teaching and supervisory staff, all of whom have exemplary knowledge and distinguished experience within their respective areas of practice. They will have ongoing contact with tutors, as well as 24-hour access to lecture notes and reading material via the University's virtual learning environment.
Resources and facilities
The MA is hosted by the School of Art and Design, giving students access to a range of excellent dedicated facilities within the School, ranging from traditional media through to industry-standard digital technology centres. Facilities are supervised by skilled technical personnel.
Research opportunities
This course promotes development towards MPhil and PhD.
MA Motion Graphic Design
Animation studies
Looking at the moving image in a global context will help you to develop your own creative ideas. This innovative, dynamic MA acknowledges the impact of digital technologies within Graphic Design and the specific emergence of animated graphics. It also encourages you to expand the limits of Motion Graphic Design in an international motion design context. You will learn to develop and research your own work for a wide variety of industry and non-commercial contexts.
We offer a great variety of MA titles, but best of all we give you the opportunity to work in a truly transdisciplinary environment. NTU gives MA students their own designated space, where you can meet students from different subject areas and obtain information and support from an MA coordinator and administrator. This makes it easy for you to work with your fellow students, learning the skills of collaborative and inter-cultural sensitivity.
Course content
This modular MA is designed to offer a framework for advanced study and to develop core skills in a number of areas, including:
- research methodologies
- the professional and cultural contextualisation of work
- practical project experimentation and realisation
- critical and reflective evaluation.
All skills are developed as the course progresses, with the aim of preparing students for a major MA individual or group research project.
Modules are designed to encourage interdisciplinary working. The context and research module, for example, is delivered to the entire postgraduate community, thus giving students the opportunity to exchange ideas and analysis. This form of dialogue is crucial for the development of new thinking and new directions in art and design.
SPP: Creativepool Profile
I created a Creativepool Profile a while back but have just uploaded my CV to complete my profile.
It allows you to upload images which act as a portfolio and saves your search criteria which is quite handy.
The profile can be viewed by potential employees so effectively you could get offers for jobs without putting in a lot of effort. I would recommend!
SPP: Creativepool_job search
Creative Pool>Multimedia designer for DJM Digital
>Web Designer for Limesharp
Gum Tree>Website Designer
- Date posted: Tuesday 9th February
- Location: Clifton, Nottingham
- Freelance web designer, who is experienced with CSS, database, script writing and creative designing. Redesign of an online city guide website.
>Looking for fresh new talented web designer
- Date posted: Friday 19th February | Ad viewed: 75 times
- Location: Nottingham
- We are a new small organisation with great values. looking for someone who is passionate about web design. We are not looking for someone who has already had the breaks, we want to give a first opportunity to someone.
Web Design for Charities
Little Black Dog Design is a small, friendly design company, based in Nottingham offering web design and graphic design for start-up businesses, small businesses, and charities, or just anyone needing a good looking web site.
Just thought I would blog this as they would benefit from advertisement.
Google Anaytics: Track IP
I have attached a Google Analytics Account to my piggybank website and I wanted to illiminate my own visits to the site to create a fair representation of stats. I have done this by replacing the body tag with a small line of code. Blogger won't let me post it as it recognises is as code so click here to find the code mentioned in the video below.
SPP:Job application
Frontend web developer
affinitynewmedia.comWe are looking for a self-motivated candidate to work within a dynamic environment and can demonstrate their ability to work under pressure and to multi-task without reduction in work quality or concentration. Candidates should possess good communication skills, be a good team-player willing to interact and integrate with the design team, development teams and project managers.
The successful candidate will need an experienced understanding of the Web standards concepts, usability, accessibility and knowledge of testing across the full range of browsers, platforms & other assistive technology.Essential skills include XHTML, CSS, Javascript (Flash animation / actionscript, XML, XSLT would also be as advantage) as well as a proven track record for producing web based applications to the latest best practice guidelines.
Ideally, candidates will have experience of working in a similar agency environment.
All applicants must be available to work full time hours within our Norwich studio
A competitive salary is available, negotiable dependent on experience. Candidates are required to supply work examples via URLs or in JPG or PDF format. Send your CV into us using the form on the right.
Superstacker2_Good game, good game!
I got really addicted to this game. Got stuck on Level 34 see if you can beat me!
SPP: Creative Technologies (MA/MSc)
This course seems really interesting. Although its main focus isn't web design, it does encorporate "web content development" and touches on creative technologies as a whole.
Before I started this search I hadn't even given Post-graduate study a thought. After finding relevant courses, I am intregued and it is nice to be aware of what courses are out there. Whether I follow any of these up and physically apply is another thing altogether...
>Good Post Grad Course Finder
"Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort University
Duration: 1 year Full Time/ 2 years
Part Time Entry Requirements: Normally a 2.1 honours degree in a creative technologies-related subject area. We welcome applications from a wide range of subject areas and non-standard applications will be considered.
Course Fees: £3,488 (Full Time).
Are you a technologist with a creative dimension? An artist working with technologies? A designer with programming skills, or any one of many more such ‘crossovers’?
The Masters in Creative Technologies crosses traditional disciplines and boundaries and is designed to allow you to develop and strengthen your creative technologies research and practice. At the convergence of the e-sciences, arts and humanities subjects, the course supports a range of contemporary careers including computational intelligence, holographic imagery, web content development, the arts, entertainment and games industries, and careers in teaching and creative technologies development.
New technologies are transforming the world of human creativity in ways unimagined just a few years ago. To some, this is an end in itself. To us, this is just the beginning. The Institute Of Creative Technologies is a unique research environment, which aims to make connections between people, ideas, and technologies by crossing traditional boundaries. It works at the intersection of arts, science and technological research and fosters collaboration and cooperation through interdisciplinary projects and programmes of activities. Delivered by the Institute of Creative Technologies, this innovative Masters is run in partnership with the Faculties of Art & Design, Humanities and Technology.
For further details about the course, contact Sophy Smith at ssmith05@dmu.ac.uk or have a look at our website at www.ioct.dmu.ac.uk/masters.html
SPP: Design Agencies Job search
quite a good job searching website mainly due to it focussing on web design. Searched for 'junior webdesigner' and out of 4 results 2 were senior....
>Front End Web Developer - HTML / XHTML, CSS
>Junior Web Designer - HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript WebCatch
no current vacancies, however CV's are being accepted.Adtrak
Looking for Junior Web Designerm360
no current vacancies, however CV's are being accepted.Absolute Design
no current vacancies, however CV's are being accepted.Careers In Design
Awful website, no vacanicies that are suited to me but potential for future client?Soula
3 current vacancies but none are suited to me.
Bubole_Entertainment Factor:110%
Bubole is a wacky site, genious though!
It allows you create your own bubole monster, squash bugs (which is strangly quite satisfying) and also fight other online members.
Try it yourself!
These designs show development from my previous meeting with my client. I am not particularly taken with any if I am honest but thought I should blog them as they show a clear development of the navigation.
I felt that the previous navigation was perhaps a bit too complex and have decided to simplify matters by having 4 main pages in the navigation. This way the site should be more adaptable at the clients end, as the 'Competition' page can be located off of the homepage and removed as need be. It will also make the information more concise and userfriendly by combining 'Visit Us' with 'About'.
Keeping the content readable and at the same time, dynamic, interesting and incorpoating the existing branding; does cause some issues. In a lot of ways I prefer my first design as it solves both problems.
Client: SEO-useful tools
For Wild Clothing's website, I am going incorporate a level of SEO. For this I have been researching techniques and have come across some useful tool when developing SEO techniques.
Seobook.com have a Firefox Add-on called Rank Checker. This allows you to easily find where any website ranks in Google, Yahoo and Bing Results. All you have to do it sign up.
Google have a Keyword Tool that generates a list of words linked to the word or phrase you submit. It displays these results by how often they are search for and also gives you other stats unlike other keyword generators I have come across.
SPP: Postgrad Study
Web Applications (MA) Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication
This course is a creative, application-based course focusing on the practical and theoretical study of participative media, software development and network technology. It strives to create the potential to innovate and influence web design practice who can realise relevant design proposals with commercial potential.
Motion Graphic Design (MA) Nottingham Trent University
This course acknowledges the impact of digital technologies and the emergence of animated graphics; it addresses the moving image within a global context and students are encouraged to push the limits of motion graphic design within an international motion design context; students learn to develop and research their own work as a motion designer for a wide variety of industries including television graphics, music graphics, motion shorts, title sequences for film, digital interfaces, exhibitions, museums, theatre and so on.