October 28, 2009 | Sourced from: NME.com/articleLord Peter Mandelson has outlined the details of anti file-sharing legislation set to come into play – naming the date when illegal downloaders' internet connections could be cut off.
The Business Secretary, speaking at the digital creative industries conference cabinet, said that if the amount of illegal file-sharing taking place in the UK hadn't dropped by 70 per cent a year on from April 2010 measures to cut off file-sharers' connections would come into place from July 2011.
Mandelson said that connections would be cut off as a "last resort" and that there would be a "three strikes" policy, with offenders receiving letters of increasing severity, reports the Guardian.
He said that he does not expect to see a large amount of internet cut-offs. "Technical measures will be a last resort and I have no expectation of mass suspensions resulting," he said.
The minister added: "It must become clear that the days of consequence-free widespread online infringement are over."
The Featured Artists Coalition, which includes members of Radiohead, Blur and Keane, are pushing for a three strikes policy – but propose reducing internet speed rather than severing connections.
Simulated Client: Lord Mandelson sets file-sharing internet cut-off date
Simulated Client:Website Layouts
Here are some layout designs for my Anti-Piracy website. These first two images show a slightly different compositions of the elements. I'm not sure why the blue text is so fuzzy but the second image is my preferred design.
The way the Piano keys are positioned almost acts as an arrow attracting your eye to the word "Pirates", which is a more logical way of reading.
The way I have positioned the magpie on the microphone suggests that we want to hear the pirates views, which is the direction i am taking this sight in.
Personally I think the imagery and word 'Pirates' is enough to explain the site's purpose. However I will find out through user testing to see if this is the case. If not I will add a short statement explaining its purpose on this page.This 'Take Part' section will be my interative element. The user will be able to post their comments concerning piracy and previous comments. You won't have to become a member to take part as it is an uneccessary procedure and could deter people from posting if the have to fill in a form before hand.
The posts will display in time order and I might include a 'name' field.
The section at the side containing the navigation menu and strap-line will be fixed, so when you scroll down to view other peoples comments they are always at hand.
At the moment the information pages will follow a similar format. I will try and keep this information concise and unbiased. I do not want this site to make the user feel like they are being nagged but rather informed. In the same way, if this site was to go live I would only remove comments if they are offensive. By giving people free rein to say what they feel and perhaps suggest methods of addressing piracy, a lot could be learned.
Although I think the strap line it is ok, could be improved and will try to work on this. I am either going to try a pirate-linked pun or try to work with song lyrics...
Web Design Critique: Neave.com
Paul Neave is an interactive designer and his site takes a new spin on portfolio sites where the emphasis is on his work not himself. The site shows off his capabilities and not only encourporates roll overs and quality design, but also uses sound which creates a sense playfullness and involves the user. The site follows a simple navigation structure with small explainations of each link. The links on the HTML and Javascript homepage take you to a number of fun and sophisticated Flash games and interative elements.
The main element that interested me is 'Vote'. This is a type of quiz which follows a multiple choice format where the options are more humerous than challenging. Neave asks random questions, most of which the options are so obscure that the user forgets about
being 'correct' but instead focus on giving the most popular or humerous answer (the results of all users are displayed).
I think this is very interesting concept.I found myself answering the questions very honestly when a more serious one came up just because I was entertained. The answer became almost irrelevent because you are only given one question at a time and very little thought had to be put into it. I also think that the slow transformations of the background focuses the users attenion on the more static questions.
I'm not sure how effective this would be when addressing breaches of copyright and piracy but i will keep it in mind when decideing upon my interative element.
Simulated Brief: More research...
In July's issue of .net magazine, it states that the founders of Pirate Bay were sentanced "to a year in prison and a £2.4million fine for infringing copyright". The entertainment industry hoped that this would cause shockwaves throughout the world of illegal downloading. However similar high profile cases "simply made illegal downloading harder to trace, harder to prosecute and harder to stop". It concludes suspecting that this court case won't have much impact on the wider issue of piracy and that sites such as Spotify and Google may be next in the firing line.
Rory Standley's (a reader) response to the above article in issue 192 of .net magazine suggests that "the music industry seems to have adapted to this very well. Has anyone noticed the many new festivals and such renewed emphasis on live performance?"
This is a good point and he goes on to say that artists even encourage the sharing of their music.
On page 19 of the same issue Gary Marshall delivers an extrememly sceptical but amusing arguement where he says "This is a very special arse[...]it's this arse from which the copyright industries pull figures when they're talking about piracy. It's the arse that decided illegal downloading costs the UK economy £12billion a year". Its interesting to see another perspective on the issue and one that is quite possibly shared by the illegal downloader. In this artical he admits that he has downloaded illegally but argues that not every illegally downloaded file is a direct loss to the industry. Many people download a song to see if they like the track enough to buy an album.
Simulated Client : Design
I have decided to focus on piracy in the music industry. The reason for this being that it seems that there are not many websites addressing this angle of piracy and personally I think this is the main sector that is affected by peer to peer file sharing. Maybe not financially, because the music industry have other avenues
whereby they recieve funds: concert ticket sales and through royalties. However, I believe a larger quantity of songs are downloaded compared to film, mainly due to being smaller files.
These images illustrate the style I want to go for with my website. The slogan needs a bit of work but I think the general aesthetics are on target for my audience. I am going to work on a clever twist of lyrics, from an easily recognisable song. Queen, Abba, Michael Jackson, Elton John,Tina Turner etc etc...The images are just from Google searches so obviously if this was for a real client I would have to source my own.
Simulated Client: Government Campaigns
Through my research so far it seems that there is alot more being done about film piracy, which I find quite surprising as I would've thought that music piracy takes the biggest hit(excuse the pun). I decided to look at a couple of government campaigns that target the younger audience. Pablo being a 'Talk to Frank' campaign and Anti-Binge campaign which employ techniques that Susan Carney identified in her article : Advertising to Teens. These include capitalising on teenage anxieties such as body image.
Simulated Client:Targetting teens
From my research I can state that the most effective target audience is 10-25years old. This is a large range in a lot of ways, but you don't have to do much research to know that people in this age group are statisticaly more likely to be downloading illegally. All the websites and advertising I have come across concerning anti-piracy and copyright combat the younger market with competitions, social networking, giveaways and quizzes. These are all interactive element that involve the user with the intention to encourage legal downloading.
I think it would be interesting to create a website that doesn't nag or point the finger at the potenial illegal downloader, but one that asks questions and involves the user to discuss their experiences. As Buckminster Fuller said:"You never change things by fighting the existing reality". I could possibly incorporate an element of social interativity for my interactive element. Although I need to consider the how much time that would take to produce over something like a flash element.
"How do marketers do it? They know how to capitalize on important teenage issues and anxieties, like body image, peer acceptance, coolness, and a need for power. They use these themes repeatedly in advertising geared towards children and teenagers. Marketers also often hone in on themes and attitudes that parents might find inappropriate or offensive, like sex or alcohol and drug use, further escalating the “coolness factor” of the product."Read more...
- "The Internet is an extremely desirable medium for marketers wanting to target children:
- It's part of youth culture. This generation of young people is growing up with the Internet as a daily and routine part of their lives.
- Parents generally do not understand the extent to which kids are being marketed to online.
- Kids are often online alone, without parental supervision.
- Unlike broadcasting media, which have codes regarding advertising to kids, the Internet is unregulated.
- Sophisticated technologies make it easy to collect information from young people for marketing research, and to target individual children with personalized advertising.
- By creating engaging, interactive environments based on products and brand names, companies can build brand loyalties from an early age."Read more...
History of the internet Animation
Not going to lie, a lot of this went over my head but the structure and animation is great. With a bit o research this could be very interesting!
Personal Research Project
I've had a bit of a problem trying to decide upon a topic for this years PRP module. Choosing a topic that is both relevant to my interests and also one that will be relevant after graduation.
Originally I was going to investigate
What Techniques can be Employed to Create Eye Catching and Userfriendly Web Design?
I would use an Eye-tracking device to measure different techniques. Here I could analyse popular websites such as Google, Ebay and Amazon which are at the top of thir game interms of usability. I had a lecture on colour last year that covered many interesting points including how shapea and colour can trick the eye.How Can Web Analytics be Used to Shape a Website to the User?
research a range of Web Analytic programs, apply Search Engine Optimisation techniques to my portfolio website and measure the outcome. Investigate customisation of the analytic program along with possible breaches of visitors information.Can the Speed of Internet Connections Shape and Restrict the Development of the Web?
Japan and America have much faster internet connections than us, Europe and well...the rest of the world. It is not a surprise this is aiding their progession. Less better off countries still have dial up and Lisban is the only part of Nothern Ireland getting fibre braodband in 2010! Scotland and Wales aren't much better.I realise that all of these are very broad questions and through reading around the topic I would specify a tighter discussion.
This weeks' aims
- loan and read project planning book
- create a gannt chart planning project time
- read around topic and specialise question
- discuss with tutor
youtube website:Boone Oakley
This isn't particarly interesting from an animation perspective but the way it uses YouTube is. If you type in booneoakley.com it will divert you to this youtube video on a youtube page.THIS IS THEIR WEBSITE. The links at the side, navigate you to a series of narrative animations and their work. The animations are very entertaining in theirselves because they are simple and comical, and the little tune is quite catchey. I think thats why I keep going back...
Website analysis:OwnYourC
Larrisa Meek has "been a 3D animator, Miss USA finalist, model, actress and reality TV star."[1] and is an addict of behance.net[2].
OwnYourC (own your choices) is a sophisticated flash website with original navigation and layout. It targets the younger audience with imagery and use of language like "sick", "sup!" and"yo!". Combating current issues like smoking, drinking and physical appearance, it involves the user through questions and collaboration with others. The data is visualized in a simple yet effective manner and can be filtered by age, gender, active users and location. Its stylish animation and design doesn't distract from the sites purpose, although it " feels closer to social networking than public information"[2].
OwnYourC targets a similar audience as many of the Anti-Piracy sites I have looked at and is also is tackling government issues. It is interesting to see how effective different sites are and the ways they involve the user.
[1] http://www.larissameek.com/about/
[2] .net magazine issue 193 'The top 20 designers'
Google.org combats swine flu & climate change
Google is putting money and expertise into prevention of flu epidemics. It identifies peoples IP addresses researching flu symptoms and activates questions to gather more information e.g. "Did you search for this topic because you have a fever or your friend has fever?".
Google is also researching and comparing cars on fuel efficiency with the hope that the information encourages the public to convert to environmentally green equivalents. They are also talking about applying the same kind of technology in our homes. By equipping every electrical device with meters to measure usage and connecting them to a Google application, we will be able to see how much we use in real time and help us reduce our consumption.
Anti-Piracy Websites
You Make The Movies gives the public the chance to enter your own mini-films into competition while encouraging people to fight piracy together. The run a series on cinema advertisements to convey the message and advertise the competition.
The Industry Trust website targets film and gives information about downloading legally, along with short videos by people who work in the industry. These short clips encourage people to see films at the cinema and discourage watching bad quality versions on your computer where your experience can be spoilt in comparison. It is also kept up to date with current cinema releases and relevent content.
The Website is up to date and doesn't give the impression of being nagged. It goes along with what Geoff Taylor said and educates the potential iilegal downloader and makes you empathise with the people in the industry.
Really funny IT Crowd anti-piracy spoof

It is clear that this website is targetting a younger audience with its bright bold design, quizzes and attempt at social networking. Targetting a younger audience is possibly the way forward as they are statistically more likely to be commiting piracy, but i'm not entirely convinced it will work. Similar to The Industry Trust, trailers are viewable for current films so there is a chance that people would come back to the site but seems to me they join say hello in the shout box and leave, especially as every post has to be approved before it displays!

From a web design perspective, the site is well layed out for a young audience and follows simple navigation. Each item on the notice board takes the user to an activity: games, quizzes, watch lastest advert, download ringtone or send a friend a message telling them they're tight. It is a Flash site, but doesn't take long to load and has the feeling of a micro-site. This is a possibility as www.knockoffnigel.com is currently "reserved for future use", although bit of a backward way of going about things.
Copy Right Campaigns
On my quest to find out more about file sharing piracy I stumbled upon this Copy right campaign.
War Report: Record Industry vs. Internet Piracy
A major factor at stake is piracy on university campuses – since 2007, over 6,000 "pre-litigation settlement letters" were forwarded by the RIAA to students in USA, “generously” offering them the chance to stay away from a possible lawsuit by reaching an agreement out of court.Read more...
Virgin Media and BPI Work Together on Anti-Piracy Campaign
An article posted on 7th June last year stated that"Virgin Media and the BPI the British music industry association) have joined forces in a new anti-piracy campaign which targets alleged illegal file sharers who will be sent warning notifications...The campaign will follow a two-warning-letters-approach; one sent by Virgin Media and the other one “signed” by the. However, contrary to expectations, no "three strikes" process is included for now. Those who don’t cease their illegally file sharing activity will not get disconnected(...)
The chief executive Geoff Taylor declared:
"Education is absolutely key to reducing the extent of illegal downloading" (…) "We believe that new partnerships with ISPs can help build an internet in which music is properly valued. That will benefit not just musicians, songwriters and labels, but all internet users who love music. This joint campaign with Virgin Media is the first step towards achieving that goal.""Read more...