These are some screen shots of my social networking site so far. The index page is predominantly HTML however, the login form is PHP and the comment has been extracted from my database.
The last couple of days I've been quite productive. One user can now log in however the session only runs on the homepage. I have got my 'upload picture' to work and on the profile page, if there is no profile picture in the database the 'upload picture' option appears instead. I have also altered the registration page so that a correct password has to be entered before registration form appears.
All the content on my profile page has been extracted from the database and I've also got dynamic titles for the profile so it displays "'nickame', Make Your Mark". Profile pictures display now too and the these have been set to a width of 200px.Things to do:
- I still need to work out how to use dynamic CSS to position comments on the map.
- I need to display more than one result from the database as at the moment I can only print to the screen the values associated with the first entry in the database.
- I cannot currently import data into the database through a form, the upload picture only uploads to a file on the server. I know this will be via a Mysql statement and might look into the statements that appear when you do it through the PHPmyadmin tomorrow.
- Invites are also a problem....
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