Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Identities Idea

I have finally thought of a idea for the identity project that i am happy with. i am going along the lines of how everyone you meet has some influence on who you are, whether it is copying a saying from a friend or having your mother eyes. So i am going to create my avatar from cutouts of my friend and families' features and then have my 2D avatar wondering round a virtual world where there are billboards for films i have watched/maps from places i've been etc. At the moment i am thinking about my avatar listening to an ipod which the audience can hear and looking at all the scenery. i'm hoping that 3D Studio Maxx will lend itself to this, but theres only one way to find out...

My animation will be similar to the BBC's 'Charlie and Lola' in its 2D and quite jerky style.

This is an example of magazine cutout animation i found on youtube

I imagine it will be similar to the way they have merged photographs to make an amusing representations of politions etc on the back drop to 'Have I Got News For You'