Friday, 13 November 2009

PRP: Trends in Creative Industries

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Kevin Wheeler who is the Chairman of the Future of Talent Institute talks about Richard Florida who is a professor in Canada and wrote "The Rise of the Creative Class" in this book Kevin says he "claims there are about 38 million people right now in the creative class in the United States, and they are generating more wealth, by his estimation, than any other group in the United States and in the world".

Kevin also says that "if you want to attract a creative class type of person, you're going to have to have an organization that meets some raw criteria, I think it's have to be, it can't be rigid, it can't be hierarchical, and it can't be rulebound, so I think that's a real challenge for many large companies [...] I think they already are, being very challenged with finding and being able to actually hire the very best of these creative people."

Kevin mentions a very interesting and -for many- surprising point: "the fact that women are now dominating the workplace pretty much globally, two out of three college degrees are going to women globally, women are for the first time in America now dominating the workplace, there's more women working than men, and this recession has been pretty much a "hecession"—it's only affected men for the most part, the vast majority of people laid off have been men, very few women, so this is going to have a major impact on the nature of work"