Lego art

I found these when i was thinking about making my logo with lego. They were made by the New York artist Nathan Sawaya, who specialises in lego art.
why not take a look at his website.


Identities Project Update

At the moment I am really quite pleased with the progress I am making.
I am still doing the animation side of things in 3D Max, but hoping that it should be complete by the end of this week and then I can start the Flash side of things.

So far I have a my welcome page set out how I originally planned. Although there is an addition of a letter. This explains what the site is for and a bit about me. Where the address would normally be is a list of links to the interactive elements of the page.
Letter header:

This was done in 3D Max using a projection.

My basic logo:

Although it looks a lot like a pretzel, it is supposed to look like a 'J' and a 'P' intertwined.

I had the idea of making this into a magic8 ball, the only problem being mapping my logo on the base. Although, I do quite like the idea and might use it anyway without the logo if i can't do it, as it is visually quite effective.

To bring all my objects together I have created a shelf. Below is a render of what it looks like at the moment. Each of these objects are going to link to something. The Letter will open similar to it does at the start. The sketchbook will link to my blog. The photo album will open, and the pages will turn when a page is clicked on. The duck will link to some examples work that I have done during the year. The monopoly house will take you back to the closed door. The Bubble Bottle will take you to a bubble game, where you have to burst the bubbles to achieve a good score. The picture hanging on the wall, will take you to my avatar animation. I am hoping to include the magic8ball but we'll have to see about that one. I have also made an ipod. I meant to include this in my animation but it proved to take too much time, but I would really like to include it in this and make interactive, so that the user can change the between a few selected tracks. I'm not how difficult this is going to be though. I have a feeling I am being too ambitious and I'm sure that flash won't be very kind to me either.

Interactive objects:

1) Bubble Bottle/Game
2) Photo Album
3) Ipod?
4) Magic8ball
5) Door

To Do List(in order of priority)
* make a label for the bubble bottle and map on
* map onto photo album
* sort out the animation for the letter
* animate ipod
* render everything and take it into Flash!
* re-render animation
* buy www.jacquipickup.co.uk
* magic8ball: animate


Drawing Out Exhibition

In the week beginning the 14th of April a group of us - Steve, Troy, Ed, Laurel, and myself- were asked to facilitate a voluntary whiteboard animation in Bonington. Unfortunately not as many people volunteered as was hoped and we ended up doing a lot of it ourselves! but as you can see from above it still went really well. It was linked to the 'Drawing Out' exhibition that is currently available to view. this is also showing in the Bonington Building.
through doing it we were able to explore the possibilities of whiteboard animation in much depth, and it has given me an urge to do more.



This advert for Pizza Hut is a really well thought out piece of work. without the music it wouldn't quite be the same but the concept is really quite ingenious. I like the wallpapers and variety of different frames mostly, and that is what i have taken from it.


Identity Project 2 Brief_Ideas

For the second part of the identities project, I want to incorporate as much of my modeling and animation from the first 'avatar' assignment. Not necessarily to save time, but to create continuity through the projects and also this way I will be able to improve what I already have and so insure a higher quality of work. I put a lot of effort and not to mention, time into the first project and although there were a few things which I would've tweeked if I had a bit more time; I was really quite happy with my final outcome.

Welcome Page:

Full shot of the door which zooms into the door knocker...

The door knocker will be a button and when pressed it will trigger the knocker to knock on the door (possibility for sound fx) and door will open.

Simultaneously the camera will focus on the welcome mat with the letters strewn on it. These letters will act as links to other pages and hopefully the images/information on the letters will have some relevance to the link.

I am going to re-model the door knocker and improve the lighting as this is the first page the viewer will see i want it looking good!

Photo Album:
I will model an interactive Photo album where the viewer can turn the page...this will incorporate picture but also AV files. The animation will be done in 3d Studio Max.

Bubble game:
Using the bubbles from my animation I am going to create a simple game where the viewer can burst as many bubbles in an allocated time period.