Ideas page
The idea for this animation came mainly from researching into George Melies. I heard about him from reading 'The Art of the Storyboard'(immediatly above) and from watching a documenatry style movie on Youtube about him (below), i got thinking about the theme of magic.
I am significantly happier with this piece, compared to my lamp animation. It took me a long time to create the set and make the woodman's clothes but i can't say i didn't enjoy it. I learned from my previous mistakes as to the pre-planning process, and made a storyboard/ideas page to help me and Laurel when we were filming.
First frame.
The woodman magician walks on stage while crowd cheer
He thanks the crowd for their cheering and explains that he will perform a card trick. He then walks over to the prop box to get the pack of cards...
...and starts to deal.
As he pans his hand over the dealt cards they disappear one by one.
He raises his hand, and a wand appears in his grip. He then taps the pack of cards three times and they vanish.
He takes off his top hat and takes out a red hankerchief.
He stuffs the hankerchief into his hand...
...and when he opens his hand the hankerchief has gone.
He has an idea!
...and takes the red hankerchief out of his hat.
Makes the hankerchief disappear again and puts his hat back on.
Raises his arms...
...and he disappears, to the crowds amazement.
This short animation of a confused lamp is in no way original, but not having done stop frame animation much before I thought i would stick to a simple idea.
I have taken direct influence from the stick-man example (further down on my page) which I found on YouTube over the summer and it also has similarities to the animated lamp for the Pixar logo.
i am reasonably pleased with the final outcome, although i think i could have taken more frames with less movement between them; as the movie is a bit jolty in places and aiso quite short. I could've tried being a bit more adventurous with the 'look' also. i didn't do a great deal of pre-planning, which, in my opinion comes through in the final product, and ideally i would re-shoot but, producing this has given me a building block inorder for me to progress if i choose to produce another pixelation animation. i see this animation as a practice run. Before i did this i was unaware and inexperienced with the software we used, and not to mention the technique, but even taking these points into consideration, i remain pleased.
this animation i find to be very crude. it was shot in 'Speak Easy' and was the first attempt with my group. we planned it as we went along and didn't finish it either.
Narrative Pixilation
narrative scrap book
These are examples of other peoples work that i have come across previous to starting the multimedia course, and also since. They all have relevance to my Narratives project, so i thought i would include them.
Snooker table
Flash animation
George Melies
Pixelation 1
Pixelation 2
Freshers Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in one word....fab!
i have been looking forward to coming to uni so much, especially in the month leading up to it, and it definatly hasn't been a dissappointment! although i think my body would say otherwise, i have been hit by the dreaded freshers flu; but it has in no way dampened my efforts to make the most of the situation. the people i have met so far are amazing and i'm looking forward to meeting many more!
big shout out to Gordon house and of course Multimedia student al of whom are the dogs b******s :D
whoop whoop!!
wHiTe BoArD AnImAtIoN
we where given the task to draw a tree and a box and make the box travel to the other side of the tree. We were given a pen a whiteboard and a camera; and in small groups we produced a short animation which was then put on YouTube.